Using Facebook is like the social networking equivalent of meeting an ex after a messy break-up. Parts of it are so good you wondered how you ever lived without it, but most of it makes you wonder why you ever fancied it in the first place.
The Facebook break-up
Breaking up with someone on the phone is bad, breaking up with someone via text is worse, breaking up with someone on Facebook is unforgiveable.
The cry for attention
Leigh Jackson is... having the worst day ever.
Who cares? If you need to vent go and call a friend. Having 30 people replying to status updates to check on your sanity won’t make you feel any better. Having no-one reply is fail.
Unusual friend requests
I never spoke to you in high school. Why would I speak to you now?
Shit games
Vampire bite, Bear Hug, Farmville… the list is endless! Play shit games in your time, without sending me endless wall posts with top scores.
The Facebook poke
If you can’t be bothered to exercise your fingers and type someone a message reconsider your friendship.
Id agree with all of the above.
We have High Schools in the UK? Americanisms will make you deaf. Or something.
Oh yeah and No. 6: making a film about facebook. And having Jesse Eisenberg (the poor man's Michael Cera) in it
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