Monday 24 September 2007

Racism caused by brain shrinkage?

There is northing worse then people playing the race card.

One of the most serious allegations that can be levelled against someone is that they are racist - so it is abhorrent when the few, no matter what their race, bandy the term about.

However, where racism is clearly evident it cannot and should not be excused.

Which is why I was extremely sceptical of new research produced by Bill von Hippel of the University of Queensland.

According to von Hippel, brain atrophy can account for some of the racist language used by the elderly.

Brain atrophy is the shrinking of the brain as we age - and this new study claims that this can lead to 'unintended racism'.

von Hippel says: "Because prejudice toward African Americans conflicts with prevailing egalitarian beliefs, older adults attempt to inhibit their racist feelings, but fail."

Senility can cause an untold range of problems but is it logical enough to cause racism in some cases and not in others.

And why would it effect just the white population?

It seems to me that this study attempts to put a biological reason behind the evils of bigotry and that is something which is hard to swallow.

After all, wouldn't young racists simply have the tendency to turn into old racists?


eeore said...

Isn't this rather like calling black white.

Any science that focuses on brain structure, size or shape to explain a social phenoma is usually bogus.

My favourite example being, when the Nazi's captured Prague, they learned that the operahouse had a staute of Mendelson on the roof. Some SS men were sent to remove it. But as the statues were not labelled, they didn't to use intuition based on the racial theory of the Nazis. They therefore decided that the statue with the largest nose most be the Jew.

Thus was Wagner removed from the Prague opera house.

Jim Gillette said...

It used to be "Oh, Uncle Bernard's from a different time".

Now someone with a degree is trying to justify that.

It's weapons grade baloney-ium.

Racism is racism regardless of motive or reason.

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